Read Important
Dear Parents,
I would like to address some things and some questions I
have had please read all of them so you know what it going on.
Absences and tardiest- Please make sure your child is on time to
school. If they come to school after 8:20 they are late and marked absent. They
need to check into the office to be excused this will still be counted as a
tardy. If your child is going to be gone they need to be excused. I cannot excuse absences. If your child is
going to be gone you must call and let the front office know and excuse them.
Grades- I have been putting grades in the system. Please don’t
freak out if your student has one or two 0’s. I am still getting grades in. If
they have a lot of 0’s then you should worry. Also I messed up on the spelling
grade and have not been able to fix it. So as of right now everyone has an F in
spelling. So don’t freak out I will try to get it fixed as soon as I can.
Homework- Your student should now be getting a packet of
homework sent home every week sent home on Mondays. There is usually three to
four math lessons, a writing work sheet, and a spelling list which is on the side of the
writing worksheet. This week the writing work sheet is about nouns. We have
gone over nouns several times as a class. I want them to do the homework please
don’t help them very much. I want to know what they can do on their own not
what parents know. I usually try not to grade whether it’s right or wrong. I
will just be checking to see if they got it done and how well they knew how to
do it. I only grade homework whether they did it or not. Please send back
Homework on Friday mornings. On Fridays I will send home all work that was done
in class that week. Please then send an empty homework folder back on Monday
Reading Homework- Students must read 20 minutes every weeknight,
whether that’s reading homework, books or what ever just have them read for 2o
minutes. Please record the reading on the back of the homework folder on the
September Calendar Record the time and initial by it. This will count towards a
grade at the end of the month. At the end of the month I will collect the
calendar and I will record who has read. Then I will replace the calendar with
a new one. If you would like you can
record it on road to success. Unfortunately I do not no much about road to
success and will need to get the code for it so you can log on and record it.
Water Bottles-Your children can bring a water bottle to school.
It must stay in their backpack. They can get drinks during break time, when we
come back from break time or independent work time. If it becomes a problem
then I will ask them not to bring it in anymore. Remind your children the more
they drink from their bottle the more they have to go to the bathroom. First
grade only allows bathroom breaks before morning recess, lunchtime, and before
afternoon recess. Some students are not taking advantage of this time and not
going, then they ask to go during class time, which interrupts our teaching
time. I will usually let them go if it's an emergency. If it becomes a habit I
will have them do a chore for me to be able to go to the bathroom. I hope you
understand that this is a whole first grade rule and we do this because when
students leave during a lesson to go to the bathroom and then come back they
are lost, and some interrupt the class when they come back.
Pokemon Cards- Pokemon cards are not allowed at school at all.
It is become a problem already and I know was a problem in years past with
students. If I catch them with them I will take them away and you as a parent
can come get them from me.
Spelling Tests- We take a pretest on Mondays, then a post test
on Fridays. I will send home tests the next Monday the following week. For
morning work on Mondays we graph the scores that they got from the following
week. We then compare and contrast our scores.
Parent Teacher Conferences- Parent teacher conferences are
coming up soon. They will be on Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st.
These will be a student lead conference. This means you need to bring your
child to the conference. During the conference they will show you what they
know and what we have learned in class. Each conference will be about 15
minutes. These Conferences will mainly be about academics, so if you need to
take about behaviors going on please set up another time to meet. I will let you know more about this in a week
or so.
Emails- My email is not always working properly. I get a lot of
emails a day so if I don’t email you back in a day or two please email me
again. For some reason some emails are not showing up on my school computer and
only on my home computer. So please if you are trying to get a hold of me
please just email me again.
Sorry this is so long if you have any more questions email
me I will try to answer them.
Sally Lambeth
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