Welcome to Mrs. Lambeth’s 1st
Grade! We will have a fantastic year and will learn and grow so much. First
grade is a year of many changes and I am so excited to be on this journey with
your student. I will be sharing information with you every Friday via email or
on our class blog, mrslambeths1stgradeclassroom.blogspot.com. So check both.
classroom rules are simple; do our very best, listen to each other, show
kindness, do what is asked the first time, and respect each other, our supplies
and materials. Our classroom motto is stop and think, good choice, bad choice,
what are our choices, pick one and do it, then say good job. For my classroom
management I like to use the Clip Chart-all student’s start on ready to learn
at the beginning of the day. When students are making good choices they will be
asked to move up. When students are making bad choices they will be asked to
move their clip down. When a student reaches Great job they will receive a
sticker. If a student reaches the top to Super Student they will get two
stickers. They will put the stickers on a chart to keep track. For every 10
stickers the student will get a reward. We can decide together what that reward
will be. If a student has to move their clip down and they reach Teachers
Choice then I will decide a consequence for them. If the student reaches the
very bottom on Parent Contact then I will notify you. I will also be adding
things through out the year if the class needs it.
Classroom Procedures:
Homework: Sent home Monday, due Friday.
20 minutes of reading is assigned each night. All reading
will be recorded on the Road to Success Website and Reading Calendar. On the
Road to Success Website students will have the opportunity to earn fun prizes
while completing their assignments. The Reading Calendar is located on the back
of the homework folder please initial each day and write how many minutes your
child has read. This will come back on Friday with the rest of the homework. There
will also be a weekly math packet sent home, as well as a spelling list and
literacy review page. All homework will be sent home Monday to come back
Friday. For spelling, your child is able to pick how they would like to
practice their spelling words. All of our large I.B projects will be done in
Absences: First grade is full of hands
on learning experiences, and interactive lessons, which often cannot be
replicated through a sent home worksheet, thus attendance is critical. Please make
every effort to be at school, and on time each day. Please let the office know
if your child will not be at school. If your child is ill, I will send home
makeup work for them to do, though as mentioned, some of our hands on
experiences cannot be replicated at home. If you are going on vacation, please
let me know at least one week in advance, so your child can get a trip journal
and packet to complete.
Birthdays: As part of our school’s
wellness policy, no treats are to be given out for a child’s birthday. Our
class will celebrate and recognize your child on their special day. If you
would still like to do something special, you are welcome to donate a book or
game to our classroom library, or to send in a small favor, like a pencil or
eraser, ect.
Volunteering: There will be many
opportunities to volunteer this coming year! Volunteers will be organized by
the room parents and myself to be used for centers, classroom celebrations, and
sharing special talents. You are also welcome to email me if you have a certain
day or time (even once) that you are available and I will put you to work!
Grading: This year we will be
using the SIS/Aspire program in first grade. Please be patient as we are
learning the program! If you have children in 2nd-9th
grade, you will have probably used it before!) I am planning to update them
every 1-2 weeks on Mondays. Our grading scale will be as follows:
Previous Progress Report
New Grades using SIS/aspire
Percentages Earned
A=Accomplished (independent and accurate)
P=Progressing (practicing towards independence and
S=SUPPORTED (needs prompts and guidance)
C=Challenged (difficulty grasping the concept and requires
extra time and support to progress
To Earn a Soaring Eagle Award (elementary equivalent of high
honor roll, for academic excellence), your child will need to have an A in all
areas of their report card and be reading at grade level or above. These awards
are given each quarter.
To earn an IB Leadership Award, your child will need to
complete 10 of the 12 projects listed on their leadership form. They have all
year to work on this, as awards are given in May.
Math: In first grade, we use MY MATH,
which is an excellent, inquiry based math program. Students will be taught that
there are many “right” ways to solve a problem and they are welcome to use what
works best for them. If you have questions about various ways to solve a
problem, please refer to my website, or come meet with me to discuss it.
Our school uses the Spalding Method for literacy instruction. Through a
detailed study of phonograms, word patterns, conventions of writing, and being
introduced to aspects of quality literature your child will learn the necessary
skills to become a successful and confident reader, writer and speaker.
Unit: As part of the I.B. program, our science and social studies
curriculum will be integrated into six, 5-8 weeks units. Each unit will have a
culminating activity or project for the students to share and display what they
have learned. If you would like to see what your child will be learning this
coming year, you are welcome to log onto UEN.org which is the Utah Education
Network website. From here, there will be a link to the 1st grade
core curriculum.
Special Programs:
Scholastic book orders: I will provide an opportunity for you to
purchase books from the Scholastic book club each month. This is a great way to
buy well written, low cost books. However, it is not required! I do all of my
scholastic ordering online. Our class code to order is “KGKTL.” I will write in
my weekly message if book order catalogs are being sent home.
Box tops for education: By turning in 10 box tops each month, your
child will earn a dress down day for the month. You may also purchase dress
down days form HOPE at the beginning of the school year.
Contact Information:
You can contact me any time through email. My address is slambeth@hawthornacademy.org. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
I am looking forward
to a wonderful year working with you and your child.
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